Most Popular Services

✓ SSD High-Speed cPanel Hosting Plans ✓ Hacked Website Cleanup Service ✓ WordPress Security and Update Service
Free Website Transfer

Our staff is expert at moving websites. We are WordPress experts as well. We can migrate all of your websites to our hosting service free of charge today!
Free Malware Scanning

Invest in security with TVCNet's free daily malware scanning, discounted hack repair services and Free SSL. If your website is hacked, we will work to help you resolve the issue quickly.
Our fully managed VPS solutions are backed by over 20 years of web hosting and website security experience
All of our custom built Fully Managed VPS plans include the latest versions of WHM / cPanel, Apache or Litespeed (additional license required), MariaDB, PHP version of your choice, and Firewalls optimally configured for your server's performance and security needs.
You won't need a computer science degree to work with TVCNet. We provide all of the service and support you'll ever need, without the headaches, or need to hire outside system administrators to manage your website's server.
If you are ready to upgrade your business to one of our cutting-edge fully managed VPS plans, we will move and help segregate your websites into their own cPanel accounts, free of charge!
As an added bonus, all of our VPS plans include cPanel's award winning WordPress Toolkit free with all cPanel accounts.
- 30 GB SSD Drive Space
- 2 GB RAM
- 3 Terabyte Bandwidth
- 1 Core / 2 IP Addresses
- All of our VPS's include FREE SSL certificates (httpS://) for all websites hosted on server
- 60 GB SSD Drive Space
- 3 GB RAM
- 4 Terabyte Bandwidth
- 2 Core / 3 IP Addresses
- All of our VPS's include fully managed unlimited voice and email support
- 90 GB SSD Drive Space
- 5 GB RAM
- 5 Terabyte Bandwidth
- 3 Core / 5 IP Addresses
- Full root access to your server is available on all VPS plans
* Rates do not include the cPanel license fee of $1/mo. for fewer than 6 cPanel accounts, $9/mo. for fewer than 31 cPanel accounts, and $14/mo. for up to 50 cPanel accounts.
Current Server Promotions:
- Receive one-month's free hosting when paying 6 months in advance. Our average monthly rates with the month free discount are shown above.
- Free LiteSpeed Setup for servers with one website domain name! (a savings of $46 a month).
- Expert near real-time fully managed cPanel support included.
- Includes a fully configured and secured cPanel WHM control panel.
- Refunds? If you choose to cancel we will return any unused monthly hosting fees paid.
Linux Virtual Private Server (VPS) options
- RAM may be upgraded or downgraded in 1gb increments at any time. See rates below.
- Cores may be upgraded or downgraded at any time. See rates below.
- Additional IP addresses after the first installed IP address may be requested when required.
- Includes Free SSL for all websites, a WordPress installer and Free unlimited website migrations.
- Malware scanning is not included but may be ordered separately as an Addon service.
- Addon rates: +100gb Bandwidth: $9.75/mo., +1gb Space: $1.95/mo., +1 Core: $9.95/mo., +1gb RAM: $6.75/mo.
- Add LiteSpeed: +$46/mo.
- Includes a fully licensed, managed and supported cPanel Web Hosting Manager (WHM) license.
- cPanel license rates: $1/mo. for fewer than 6 cPanel accounts, $9/mo. for fewer than 31 cPanel accounts, and $14/mo. for up to 50 cPanel accounts.
- cPanel / WHM allows you to install up to fifty websites within your VPS, each with their own separate control panels.

Why choose a
Virtual Private Server?
- Root level access is available.
- Improved security. Other accounts do not share your server like they would on a shared server.
- Customized software may be installed or settings changes made, which might otherwise not be allowed within a shared server environment.
When to choose a Dedicated Server instead?
Your website has very high traffic (over 3 Terabyte of bandwidth a month), or high resource using scripts are installed requiring additional memory (RAM).What Is Website Segregation and Why Is It Important?
Website segregation is one of the most important steps you can take in securing your websites online.
Many web hosts offer unlimited hosting plans. But what they don't tell you is that each website shares the same common directory. This is no longer an acceptable business practice. When a website shares the same directory with other websites, a single vulnerable PHP script may be used by hackers to delete or edit all files sharing the directory.
cPanel eliminates this security risk by segregating and securing each website's files and databases into a separate hosting account. Each segregated hosting account will be accessible through our Web Hosting Manager (WHM) control panel, included with your Virtual Private Server.
- Spam Protect AntiSpam Service - Stop 99% of unsolicited junk email spam messages before they reach your Inbox
- Check out our WordPress SSL Configuration Service
- Like help managing your WordPress backups, monitoring, security and updates?